
Belajar, Berbagi, Bermanfaat

Kamis, 16 Januari 2014


Assalamu' alaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning everybody...
The honorable, the chief of Puro village, Mr. Parindi S.pd.  and staff.
All of the critical and the contestants speech championship 2012.

First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to come here, to join in this
Speech championship 2012.
may peace be upon our prophet (prafit), Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the darkness into the right ways of life.
Ladies and Gentlemen
This Speech Championship contains of 5 sessions:
1.      Opening Prayer.
2.       Speech.
3.      Performance.
4.       Error Recognition and Evaluation.
5.       Entertainment.
6.       Announcement.
7.      Closing.
Ladies and gantlemen,
1.      Now we come into our first agenda is Opening Ceremony.
Shall we start this program with Basmallah  together …… thank you.
2.      The next agenda is speech.
a.       Ladies and gentlemen , the first speech by Mr. Simon Santoso S.pd as the critical. To Mr. Simon Santoso S.pd the floor is yours. ….
Thank you.
b.      The second speech is Mr. Parindi S.pd as the chief of Puro village.
Thank you.
3.      The third agenda is  Performance by the Contestants. The contestant please come to the stage one by one.
Thank you to contestant.
4.      Error Recognition and Evaluation.
This session will be handled by Mr. Simon santoso S.pd . He is an English teacher at SMA N 1 SRAGEN. The main point of this session is to review and find out the difficulties or mistakes in our speaking. It does not only concern on grammar but also vocabulary.
By making evaluation, hopefully we can improve our English, especially how to communicate in English successfully.

5.      The next agenda is entertainment. Please welcome “cherry Belle”
Thank you Cherry Belle
6.      Ladies and Gentlemen we come to the next agenda is Announcement.
7.      We  will choose one of the best contestants.
Okey ladies and gentlemen, the winner is Arum Puji Lestari From Yapenas Collage.

8.      Ladies and gentlemen, the last agenda is Closing Ceremony.
Shall we finish this programme with ALHAMDULILLAH together.
Thank you

Name   : Bidari 
Class    : MIA
Nim     : 210007

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