be to Allah SWT author. Because the will of Him this paper can be resolved. The
author's purpose in writing this paper is the HIV / AIDS and directions of HIV
/ AIDS. In the completion of this paper, the writing of many difficulties,
mainly due to the lack of knowledge. However, thanks to guidance from the end
of this paper can be completed, although there are still many shortcomings.
this paper we can add knowledge and insights about HIV / AIDS. So we all can be
protected from these dangerous diseases. Finally the author please step that
God taufik guidance, we hope this effort gets good benefits. And got the
blessings of Allah SWT. Yes Amin rabbal alamin.
Foreword ........................................................................................................................ 2
Foreword ........................................................................................................................ 2
Table of contents........................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Background Problem........................................................................................... 4
1.2 Problem formulation............................................................................................. 4
1.3 The purpose of Writing........................................................................................ 4
1.4 Benefits of Writing................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Systematics of Writing......................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II. CQUIRED Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
2.1 Developmentof Travel and HIV / AIDS.............................................................5
2.2 Who is Affected Vulnerable HIV / AIDS.......................................................... 6
2.3 Prevention of HIV / AIDS..................................................................................... 6
2.4 Situation of HIV / AIDS in Indonesia................................................................ 7
3.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Advice...................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 The purpose of Writing........................................................................................ 4
1.4 Benefits of Writing................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Systematics of Writing......................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II. CQUIRED Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
2.1 Developmentof Travel and HIV / AIDS.............................................................5
2.2 Who is Affected Vulnerable HIV / AIDS.......................................................... 6
2.3 Prevention of HIV / AIDS..................................................................................... 6
2.4 Situation of HIV / AIDS in Indonesia................................................................ 7
3.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Advice...................................................................................................................... 8
1.1. Problem
virus is found in human body fluids, and most commonly found in blood, semen
and vaginal fluids. On other body fluids can also be found (such as fluid milk)
but the amount is very small.Some 75-85% of transmission occurs through sexual
contact (5-10% of them through a homosexual relationship), 5-10% due to
contaminated syringes (primarily in injecting drug users), 3-5% through
contaminated blood transfusions.Most HIV infections (over 80%) suffered by the
productive age group (14-49 years), especially men, but women tend to increase
the proportion of patients.Infection in infants and children, 90% were from HIV
+ mothers. Approximately 25-35% of infants born to mother with HIV will be
living with HIV, with infection occurring during pregnancy, during childbirth
and through breastfeeding. With antiretroviral treatment of pregnant women in
last trimester, the risk of transmission can be reduced to only 8%.Initially it
started with the transmission in the homosexual (gay). Because among the groups
there are also bisexual homosexual, then the infection spread into the
heterosexual population who often have multiple sexual partners.In the second
stage, the infection began to spread in the group of prostitutes and their
clients.In the third stage, developing transmission to wives of prostitutes
customers.In the fourth stage, began to increase transmission to infants and
children of mothers with HIV.
1.2 Problem formulationDeparting
from the above background the author
identifies several problems as follows:
1.Bagaimanakah developmental HIV / AIDS
in the world?
2.Siapakah are vulnerable to the AIDS
3.Bagaimana AIDS prevention?
4.Bagaimana situation of HIV / AIDS in
1.3 Objectives
1.3 The purpose of this paper is as follows:
1.For know the
progression of HIV / AIDS.
2.Untuk know anyone who
is vulnerable to the HIV / AIDS.
3.For know the
prevention of HIV / AIDS.
1.4 Benefits
of Writing
By knowing how the development, the impact
of HIV / AIDS, thenwe will understand howferociously HIV / AIDS.
Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
2.1 Development
of Travel and HIV / AIDS
The first case in San Francisco on ditemykan was gay in
1981. According to UNAIDS (United Nations Agency for AIDS prevention) s / d end
of 1995, the number of people infected with HIV (Human Immuno Deficiency Virus)
in the world has reached 28 million of which 2.4 million are cases of infants
and children. New infections occur every day as many as 8500 people, about
1,000 of them infants and children.Some 5.8 million people have died from AIDS
(Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome), 1.3 million are infants and children.
AIDS has become the leading cause of death in the United States, Sub-Saharan
Africa and Thailand. In Zambia, the AIDS epidemic has lowered life expectancy
from 66 years to 33 years, in Zimbabwe will be reduced from 70 years to 40
years in Uganda and will drop from 59 years to 31 years in 2010.By the time a
person infected with AIDS virus it will take 5-10 years to get to a stage known
as AIDS. Once the virus enters the body of man, then for 2-4 months where the
virus can not be detected by blood tests even though the virus itself is present
in the human body. This phase is called the window period. Before entering the
stage of AIDS, HIV-positive person is named because there is HIV in their
blood. At this stage of the HIV + physical state concerned does not have any
complaints or abnormalities typical, and can even keep working as usual. In
terms of transmission, then the condition is concerned has been actively
transmit the virus to others if he held a sex or a blood donor.Since the entry
of the virus in the human body the virus will undermine the white blood cells
(which play a role in the immune system) and after 5-10 years it will be
destroyed and immune patients included in the AIDS stage where there is a
variety of infections such as fungal infections, virus- Another virus, cancer and
so on. The patient will die within 1-2 years later because of infection.In
industrialized countries, an HIV-infected adults will be AIDS within the next
12 years, whereas in developing countries a shorter time period of 7
years.Having to AIDS, survival rate in the industrialized countries have been
able to be extended to 3 years, whereas in developing countries is still less
than 1 year. Survival rate is closely related to the use of antiretroviral
drugs, treatment of opportunistic infections and better service quality.The
pattern of infections globally, approximately 90% of cases of HIV / AIDS in
developing countries. At present the cause is:Sub-Saharan Africa: 14
millionSouth-East Asia: 4.8 millionEast Asia-Pacific: 35,000Middle East:
200,000Caribbean: 270 000Latin America: 1.3 millionEastern Europe-Central Asia:
30,000Australia: 13 000Western Europe: 470 000North America: 780 000With
globalization, the movement of population and economic growth, the epicenter of
HIV / AIDS now shifted to Asia.In 2000, the estimated number of HIV / AIDS will
increase to 30-40 million people and the accretion of new cases will be found
in most of South and Southeast Asia.In industrialized countries have shown
decline in the number of new cases (incidence) per year. In the United States,
has dropped from 100,000 new cases / year to 40,000 new cases / year. A similar
pattern was also seen in Northern Europe, Australia and New Zealand.Decline in
new cases related to the level of condom use, reduced number of sexual partners
and memasyarakatnya sex education for teenagers.Decline in HIV infection also
be improved as a result of early diagnosis and adequate treatment for sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs). In Tanzania, an area that has good service runs
PMSnya HIV incidence is 40% lower. Research in the Ivory Coast, Africa showed
that STD treatment reduces viral load, thereby reducing infectivity.
2.2 Who is Affected Vulnerable HIV / AIDSAIDS
Virus infection is mainly caused by sexual
promiscuity. Therefore most at risk for contracting AIDS is anyone who has such
behavior. It must be remembered that such behavior is not only owned by a group
of sex workers but also by other groups such as teenagers, college students,
young executives and so on. So what matters here is not the "group"
where but in the "behavior" of multiple partners.Women are more
vulnerable to HIV infection due to anatomical factors, biological and
sociological factors-gender.Anatomical-biological condition caused her pelvic
structure of women in a position to "hold", and female reproductive
organs of its "get into" than men that are "stand out".
This situation causes an infection easily without being noticed by the relevant
khronik. Khronik infection will facilitate the entry of HIV virus.Mucosa (inner
lining) female reproductive organs are also very delicate and susceptible to
treatment in the process of sexual intercourse. This injury also facilitate HIV
infection.Gender-sociological factors associated with low social status of
women (education, economy, skills). As a result of women in vulnerable
circumstances that led to the abuse and the use of sexual violence, and finally
plunged into prostitution as a survival strategy.Case in Ghana in the Volta
River dam construction, causing thousands of residents displaced from their
homes. The men could obtain employment as a laborer and later became a
fisherman. The women are only familiar with the work out to the city and
eventually fall in employment and service provision of sexual entertainment. As
a result, many who suffer from sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV)
and dying from AIDS.In Northern Thailand, due to economic development and a
rapidly growing industry led to decreased agricultural land and women displaced
from their traditional jobs in agriculture. Most of the later migration to big
cities and become prostitutes and eventually infected by HIV.
2.3 Prevention of HIV / AIDS
principle, prevention can be done by preventing the transmission of AIDS virus.
Because most AIDS transmission is through sexual transmission of AIDS is
preventable by not changing sexual partners.Another prevention is through
prevention of blood contact, such as prevention of repeated use of needles,
people with the virus should not be a blood donor.In summary, prevention can be
done with the ABC formula. A is abstinence, which means not having sex before
marriage. B is befaithful, meaning a married just to have sex with any partner.
C is the condom, which means if it means A and B can not be adhered to then
have to use the tool of prevention by using condoms.Komperensi meeting at the
XI International AIDS Vancouver in July 1966 reported the use of three drug
combination (triple drugs) which can reduce the viral load to a minimum amount
and give the hope of healing.Obstacles encountered for the treatment is too
expensive for the supply of drugs and laboratory monitoring costs, which
amounted to U.S. $ 16,000-US $ 25.000/tahun. Another obstacle is patient
adherence to medication in the discipline in a period of 1.5 to 3 years, because
of the drugs taken on an irregular basis will lead to resistance.Estimated
because of the high cost of treatment, then there is only 5-10% of people with
HIV are capable of treatment using drugs this triple. If this cost problem can
not be overcome, then the drug will not be able to eradicate HIV / AIDS
significantly.Research to find a preventive HIV vaccine is also being
conducted. The cost of vaccination is not expected to triple as expensive
drugs. If a vaccine for HIV prevention, the problem is the achievement of high
vaccination coverage (80%) if desired impact of HIV eradication. To achieve
coverage of this, it is estimated will cost quite expensive and difficult to be
provided by developing countries.Side effects of expensive drugs and the availability
of cost for the implementation of vaccination, leading to the emergence of a
new discrimination issues that rich and poor. Rich people with HIV will be able
to provide triple the cost for drugs, but the poor continue to die. Rich
industrial countries can provide a cost to achieve high vaccination coverage,
while developing countries may not be able to.
2.4 Situation of
HIV / AIDS in Indonesia
As of September 1996, the number of cases of HIV / AIDS reached 449 people, with
the largest age group at the
age of 20-29 years (47%) and women's groups as much as
27%. Productive age group (15-49 years) reached
87%. Judging from the location,most cases are
found in DKI Jakarta, West Papua and Riau.
The number of cases recorded above is according to official records is by far
lower thanactual fact due
to the limitations of our health system
of surveillance devices.
problem of
HIV / AIDS in many countries are showing an
phenomenon,where the look is much
smaller than the actual number.
response in Indonesia is still much directed to
groups such as sex
workers andtransvestites, although
it also has encouraged efforts aimed at the general
public, such
as mothers, college students and high
school youth. Who still have not
workedadequately is
a group of workers in companies that are
the productive age group.
Projections of developments in the case of HIV / AIDS in Indonesia is expected to break
the 1 million cases in
2005, and according to the
existing epidemiological patterns, the
number of cases there will
be at the productive age group (it should be rememberedthat in
2003 Indonesia will enter the APEC free trade and
the need HR is tough tocompete in global markets).
3.1 Conclusion
on the discussion in the chapter "Acquired Immuno
Syndrome" theauthors conclude as
1.Kasus first discovery of HIV / AIDS in San Francisco in a gay-1981.
2.Virus AIDS is found in semen, vaginal fluids and blood, and transmission occursthrough
contact, drug syringes, transfusion of
blood and breast milk.
3.AIDS can attack anyone who is doing the behavior that
causes AIDS (changingsexual, injecting
drug users, transfusion of contaminated blood).
4.Pencegahan that most can not reduce happen HIV / AIDS is the ABC.
A (Abstinence) = do not have sex before marriage.
B (Befaithful) = a married just to have sex with their partner.
C (Condom) = if A and B not to be adhered to then use a condom.
3.2 Advice
Safe sex is with non freesex.Friend, many people
believe that AIDS is more due to
factors "Humans behavior" of
human behavior itself.
Friend ... then the problem should
first dibehani life is all about confidence, rather
thanmillions upon millions
of money ngeluarin better ngeluarin baseball at
all. Well,
my youth,not mutually couple. We try to be
Few Months ago i went for a check up in the hospital, the doctor took my blood for a test and told me to come after 3 days for the results, after 3 days passed i went back to the hospital for the results,and it was then the doctor told me that i was diagnosed with HIV virus.
BalasHapusOn that very day i was left with no happiness and everything in life became meaningless to me, i began to think on how i could get rid of this virus from my body, i decided to go on internet and do some research, while i was surfing the internet i came across some good testimonials on how Dr James has been using his herbal medicine to treat and save different patients from various diseases and infections, i also saw someone who was commenting on how she was cured from HIV with Dr James herbal mixed medicine.
To me I never believed in them, that was the first time to come across something like that, I just decided to try it out if it did really work!
They gave the contact details of Dr James and I copied his email [DRJAMESHERBALMIX@GMAIL.COM] and later that night I sent him a message concerning my health.
He later gave me a response and then we talked about the medicine and he said to me he was going to send the medicine to my home address and that he needed my address of where I reside.
I sent him all he requested in order to get the medicine ready for me, and after 3 days i received a mail from the Post Office and to my surprise it was the herbal medicine from Dr James.
He explained to me on how i was to take the medicine, he said i was to take 2 times daily for 14 days, i followed exactly as i was told, before he sent me the medicine he said that i should go for check up after finish drinking the medicine, so after i finished the medicine i went back to the hospital for check up and to my greatest surprise again i was told that i am negative, i know someone would not believed this, but it did happened to a brother like me, i have always dreamed of living in good health again, thank god everything went well for me and thank god for Dr James Miracle Healing Medicine, you can reach Dr James on his Email{ drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com } friends this man has a cure to diseases like Alzheimer's virus, Cancer, HIV, Herpes, ALS, BV, UTI, Virginal infection, Genital Wart, HPV, Hepatitis A/B, Good luck, HSV, Pregnancy problems.Do not believe in medical drugs, try some Natural Remedy.With Dr.James herbal mix on drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com
Forever remain grateful Doc....